Saturday, January 15, 2011

Days 2-4

Hi everyone! I have more pictures for you all! Hope everyone's well!

This is what you have all been waiting for! It is truly magnificent.

Me and some weird girl

This is what I had for breakfast this morning! It's called pain au chocolate which translates literally to chocolate bread. This and croissants are really popular here. It's almost like the French version of a donut. But seriously, the pastries here are soooooo good.

This is the grocery store I can walk to. I'm posting this up because I think everyone's a little worried about me getting food.

They take their beef really seriously here. Even more seriously than samchoon does.

Joann and Marian LOOK AWAY!!! This is a really famous French beer and it's really delicious. I had some with lunch today because I'm allowed to here and no one can stop me.

This is a salmon and spinach lasagna I had for lunch! The food here is really small but it's super creamy. But really, you can go to ANY restaurant here and it'll be good. There's nothing like a Red Robins or a TGI Fridays here. All the restaurants are privately owned and there aren't really any chains.

That's all for now! Bye!

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