Friday, February 4, 2011


HELLO EVERYONE. I am so sorry I haven't updated my blog in a long time. Hence, there will be a lot of pictures this time! Mostly of food and cool places. Some of you wanna know what my daily life is like here. Unfortunately, I haven't taken any pictures of my school or anything, but after all of these pictures, I'll explain my daily life a little bit. Here you go (oh and I left these pictures kinda big so everyone can get a better view, but you have to CLICK THE PICTURES to get the full size):

So in Paris, almost EVERYTHING is closed on Sundays. So, it's really hard to find a place to eat on Sunday morning. We found this place, however, for Sunday brunch. I forgot what this was called, but it's beef taretare (raw beef/육회) spread over bread. Raw beef here is REALLY popular and almost every French restaurant has it. They season it REALLY well and it tastes excellent. On top of it is parmesan cheese. Let me tell you, the cheese here is soooooo good.

This picture is more for the 어른's. This is Notre Dame cathedral. I haven't climbed it yet, but from the outside it's BEAUTIFUL. Next to it is the Seine river.

On the opposite of the Notre Dame next to the Seine is a line of booksellers... I found books here that I couldn't even find on the internet.

I'm sorry for the weird girl in this picture, I couldn't photoshop her out. But this is just a really good view of the city. On the left of the picture you can kind of see the Tower Montparnasse. This is the ONLY skyscraper in Paris. EVERYONE here HATES it because they think it looks ugly. All the French people here say that the BEST view of Paris is from the top of the skyscraper because you can't see the skyscraper when you're inside it.

The Arc de Triomphe. So let me tell you something about these crazy monuments. Alot of normal French people use these landmarks as a place to meet. Like if you were gonna go out with your friends, they'll be like "Oh just meet me at the Arc de Triomphe/Eiffel Tower/Notre Dame" because they're all so easy to find. It's weird because when I see these things I go crazy, but French people see these things every day so it's no big deal to them.

Under the Arc de Triomphe, there's a fire that's supposed to have been burning since Napoleon's time. This one time, during the world cup or something, some Australian guy was really drunk and he peed on the fire. That guy is not allowed to come to France anymore. That's a true story.

This is an area called Champs d'Elysee. It's a long street with a bunch of shopping districts. This is where I'm gonna buy Chanel purses for all of you. But this place has a lot of tourists and it's always busy.

This is the metro exit I get out of when I go to school everymorning. Line 13 is the line I take. On the sign above, "Boulanger" is a baker and "Patissier" is a pastry maker.

There's this greek sandwich place next to my school that I go to sometimes for lunch. Here is a steak sandwich. It LOOKS really plain, but French people are REALLY good with seasoning so it has a lot of flavor. It's REALLY cheap. This entire meal cost 4 euros. And YES French people dip their fries in mayonnaise.

This is when I went to a café to do my homework 2 weeks in advance because I'm such a good student. Just kidding it was due in 30 minutes. But ordering coffee here is a bit different than the United States. If you order just a "café" they'll give you an espresso. That's their normal coffee. The small one farthest from the camera is an espresso. If they have a lot of foam on top it's supposed to be better. If you want like a coffee that most americans know, you have to order a "cafe au lait" which is coffee with milk. A lot of cafes give you these little biscuits and they are SOOO good. And another thing about French cafes/restaurants. In the United States, the waiters will bring you the check as soon as you're done. But here, that's seen as rude, like the waiters trying to kick you out ASAP. People here usually stay at a cafe/restaurant for around 2 hours. Meals here are taken REALLY seriously, so the waiter won't bring you the check unless you ask for it. When you go to a cafe/restaurant it's as if you're "renting" the table and as long as you order a coffee or something small every hour, you can stay for as long as you want.

Now for my daily life. So here's my schedule: On Mondays/Wednesdays I only have one class from 4-5:30 and on Tuesdays/Thursdays I have class 9-10:30 and another at 2:15-3:45. I'm starting another class soon but I'm not sure what time it's gonna be at. I live in a smaller city right outside of Paris. It's almost as if I was living in Pasadena and going to school in LA. From my house, it's about a 15 minute walk to the Metro (train) stop. I could take a bus, but there's always a lot of traffic so I just walk. On the Metro, it's 7 stops away which usually takes me between 10-15 minutes. The metro can get REALLY busy in the morning. And then once I reach my Metro stop (Gaîté), it's like a 5 minute walk to my school. The Metro here is REALLY nice and convenient. And as for after class, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays I have dinner with my hostfamily so I usually just come home. But on Thursdays-Sundays I usually just go out after class and look around or go to a bar or something. I also get breakfast everyday at my homestay, but I have to take care of my own lunch. Some of the smaller cities outside of Paris can be really dangerous, but the one I live in isn't that bad.

Well this was a long post but I hope you guys read it all. I miss you all and I hope everyone is doing great. BYE!

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