Monday, March 7, 2011


HELLO EVERYONE!!! Sorry for not posting pictures for a long time. Today, I have a lot of pictures from famous places and museums! Enjoy! (AND REMEMBER TO CLICK ON THE PICTURE FOR THE FULL SIZE!)

The eiffel tower from far away!

So this is the only sky scraper in Paris. The Montparnasse Tower! EVERYONE hates this building (I think I've described this building in an earlier post).

This is a crêpe! It's like a thin pancake that they stuff with other goodies. There are sweet crêpes like with nutella, sugar, and fruits. And then there are manly crêpes like the one I have here. This one is with ham, mushrooms, and lots and lots of cheese with a little bit of hot sauce. This is my favorite nighttime snack here.

So one night I was going home late at night and the metro train was EMPTY so I took a picture. Girls should never go in empty metro cars because there might be someone hiding under the seat or something. But for me it's ok because I'm big and strong and I could probably fight off at least 3 homeless people/zombies by myself.

These are the names of the metro stops! My house is off of Chatillon-Montrouge which is the one on the far right. My school is off of Gaite which is 6 stops down.

I don't think I've explained French steak to you guys. So this is a typical steak in Paris. But in Paris they really don't cook their steaks as much as we do. This steak has been cooked to "bleu" which is one below rare meaning it was cooked on each side for like 10 seconds. It was DELICIOUS though. They always season their food really well.

This is the LOUVRE museum. Or the outside of it. The inside is HUGE. This is where davinci code happened.

The opera buildling! The inside of this building is beautiful! There's a theater and an opera stage here!

The Rodin museum. Rodin was a famous sculptor from Paris. This one's called The Thinker.

Dante's Gates of Hell at the Rodin museum. This huge thing contains smaller versions of all the sculptures in the museum. You can see the thinker at the top there.

The museum also had works by Rodin's student/girlfriend Camille Claudel.

This is what I eat for lunch alot. It's a greek steak sandwich with fries. On the side is something called samurai sauce which is like a spicy mayonnaise. It's really really good!

I am HALFWAY through my stay here and everything is quite amazing so far. I miss you all and I'll post more pictures soon!

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